Does Malachai Actually Write the Script for Axe Cop?

No, Malachai can barely write. The writing process is very similar to what you see in our Youtube video:

Malachai tells me a story, and I ask him questions to fill in the gaps. It’s just an exploration of 5 year old logic… so he says he is an Axe Cop and asks me if I want to join his team. I say yes, he says sign here. I ask him what we are going to do, he says fight dinosaurs. Also, I do not write word for word what he says, I translate it, paraphrase it, and sometimes make sense of it. If you wanted to get technical, you could say Malachai comes up with the stories, then I write it and illustrate it… but I just feel lame trying to cling to my writing credit next to a five year old. I like when comic credits are simple… this guy wrote it, this guy drew it.

Posted in: Questions About the Writing Process