The Axe Cop Swinger™ 2008.
Because if you’re going to design an axe that doesn’t chop off a head, it’d better do something interesting.
AXE COP – REVENGE ON RAINBOW GIRL wraps up next week, so someone else make me draw something. Hit me up at my Facebook page and give me something else to doodle. …Preferably for money.
Amelia rolls around in the grass at the entrance to the
cemetery. Charlie says “Mia, we’re in a graveyard.
Do you really want to roll around in dead people??”
-Charlotte, 7 years old
“If the car window cuts off your arm and
another car runs it over, would you feel it?”
-Amelia, 4 years old
Another Amelia page. The line “I’m sorry, but this is too late for you” is swiped directly from her telling of what Axe Cop does and says in this scene. Ethan frowns upon using kid quotes directly in the dialogue or narration, but in this instance (and a few others) I just couldn’t help myself. Having a staredown with a monster and saying “I’m sorry, but this is too late for you” is just a perfect kid logic translation of how one talks when they’re trying to be intimidating. I love it.
To anyone that noticed that the dragon didn’t get his head chopped off, be patient. You just don’t know how the Axe Cop Swinger™ 2008 works.
Any metal fans out there? I’ll be traipsing down the east coast with my band Lich King in two weeks’ time. For full dates go here.
When you traipse, you’re probably singing “tra-la-la-la-laaa” or something. I’ll be sure to swing my arms in wide arcs and kick my knees up, grinning sweetly as I do.
I’m driving Charlotte home from school.
Charlotte: “I’m hungry.”
Me: “Why don’t you eat my fist?”
Charlotte: “Well THAT wasn’t a very nice thing to say.”
-Charlotte, 6 years old
Mommy: “Amelia, are you a human being?”
Amelia: “Noooo, I a lady!”
-Amelia, 3 years old
Today’s page is entirely Amelia’s writing.
…having nothing else to say today, I’ll just leave you with that.
“If you want to be with a girl like me, like me, like me,
You can’t be like that, like that, like that.
You have to be cool, be cool, be cool.
You have to be a werewolf.”
-Charlotte, 6 years old
Amelia’s still in diapers. She’s got a distant look
on her face and that tends to mean only one thing.
Me: “Mia, are you pooping?”
Amelia: “No. …Are you pooping?”
-Amelia, 2 years old
“…and then Rainbow Girl shot a rainbow up in the air. It was so bright and hot that some of the good guys fainted.”
The last panel is one of Amelia’s contributions, and though it doesn’t happen often, the text there is exactly as she said it when she was telling me the story: “the dragon breathed fire and never died until the end.” It’s got that kid storytelling thing to it, where saying that a big bad guy doesn’t die while you’re fighting him is making the story exciting. I love it. Anyway.
Last week our GET REVENGE ON RAINBOW GIRL contest wrapped up. Our winner is… Aaron Pokoj. His revenge scheme is as follows:
“Rainbow Girl and the dragon fuse, creating Fire-Rainbow Girl, who then promptly eats Lightning Boy to steal his powers. At this point, Axe Cop is discouraged, but then Mr. Stocker reveals that he actually had super powers all along! He grows to a massive size and fights the new monstrosity, paralyzing it. Axe Cop kills it by chopping off its head. He then takes the monster’s bones to make a new surprise-proof suit, and takes the exact change needed to buy a smoothie out of its pocket. He then cuts off Mr. Stocker’s head for lying about not having powers.”
Poor Mr. Stocker. But really, if you’re going to be on a crime-fighting team, you have to divulge these things right away.

they’re eating dinner that daddy has prepared.
Charlotte: “I give this… a 10.”
Daddy: “Aww, thank you Charlotte.”
Charlotte: “…out of 20.”
-Charlotte, 8 years old
Walking around somewhere:
“Can you pick me up, Unca Tommy?
My feet are getting hurting.”
-Amelia, 4 years old
UPDATE: the splash image is no longer found by clicking the image, but you can CLICK HERE for it.
Let the violence commence!
Today’s page is what’s known as a double-page splash, so it’s technically two pages. When I started plotting out the comic I did it based on how I wanted it to look in print. Ethan says that’s the way to go, but because I wasn’t paying attention to how to leave off for each page, sometimes the pages for the site will leave off on a boring panel. Keeping two media in mind when drawing these things is not easy. As a double page splash it doesn’t really fit in the page format for the site, so handy Axe Cop site-guy Doug worked up a way to have it work out. Click above for the full-sized page.
The only dialogue here wasn’t written for the comic. In the telling, Charlotte merely started describing the fight. For the beginning of the battle, though, I wanted a big double-page dealie with an introduction to the action. I took the dialogue from something Charlotte said when she was four. We were on the couch and she attacked me, and we started wrestling. She yelled “THE FIGHT BEGINS!” I always liked it as a line that one combatant would yell as a battle kicks off, and it seems very appropriate to Axe Cop. So here we go.
Interestingly- or not- Axe Cop’s “get out of my way!” on Page 3 was likewise based on something Amelia said when she was three. I probably couldn’t communicate what was funny about it, but she was grinning and barreling at me at the time.
First (non-child) blood next week, as we learn how to kill bad guys Dinosaur Soldier and Army Chihuahua style.
The following was a playful insult:
“You’re a baby. You’re a baby that
was just born out of a belly.”
-Charlotte, 5 years old
This was a song:
“i only had a sissy if you only had a sissy
with a gun, with a gun, with a gun”
-Amelia, 3 years old
Well, all right, all that art-talk over the last two blogs was a complete dud and no one cared. Sorry ’bout that.
I don’t have the time to write up much of a blog this week, I’m under the gun on an art deadline and am cranking out pages. I wouldn’t leave you with nothing, though, so here’s the audio of Amelia telling an Axe Cop story. I requested it be in a smoothie shop because I was trying to tie it in to the comic story, and didn’t wind up using this at all. I definitely don’t have the time to draw it these days, but if anyone has the time, this’d make a good guest strip.
Me: “I need to take a shower.”
Charlotte: “Why?”
Me: “I need one, I’m stinky.”
She gives me a hug.
Charlotte: “You’re not stinky.”
Me: “Aww, thanks!”
I sneeze.
Charlotte: “But you ARE gross.”
-Charlotte, 6 years old
Amelia is going to get her room painted.
She says she’s going to have pictures painted
of “blocks and tigers and people and butts and people.”
-Amelia, 4 years old
Next week, the first act of aggression in this street fight is about to go down, and it’s a doozy.