

Thanks for reading.  I was in the Axe Cop writer’s room for 10 hours today, and in my car for over 2, so I need to relax with the lovely Mrs., but I am happy I already had this new page ready to go for you.



Page 194 – Ultro Power

When Malachai suggested this, I assumed “Ultro Power” was a real thing from a cartoon on TV.  I tried to Google it and could not find it anywhere, so hopefully we are clear of copyright infringement.  Super Hypno Monkey Bat Man is enough of a risk.  Anyway, never underestimate the power of a good high five.


I got to see a couple episodes from the next season of Axe Cop and they’re awesome.  I have to admit, these were episodes I did not get to be as involved with as I wanted to be, but I think they nailed it.  The next season airs in November, so get ready!



Page 193 – Chunk

Chunk is a sound right?  I think it is.

Well, on we go.  I don’t know if I should feel shame or pride for the combination of dialog and sound effects on panels one and two, but I simply couldn’t help myself. has posted even more awesome Axe Cop shirts.  They just keep coming!



I recently got to see one of the new Axe Cop episodes coming to FOX in November, when we start showing new ones again.  It’s so good!

Also, I went to Rose City Comic Con this weekend in Portland, OR and had a great time.  Malachai came too, and so did Kailey, our colorist.  It was fun meeting so many people who really love our comics.

Well, more Thursday.  See you then!



Page 191 – Down Under

With apologies to Matt, who requested in the comments last week “On behalf of all Aussies, please please please don’t draw us as the stereotypical, crocodile Dundee version that is so prolific in America.”  First I had already drawn this page when he made this request, and I am drawing Australians as Malachai perceives them through pop culture, not as they really are, and in his mind they all own boomerangs and are good fighters. Not such a bad stereotype as far as stereotypes go.  When I was 17 I worked two jobs (a day job and a night job) to save up and go to Australia and New Zealand.  It was awesome.  I really want to go back.  I’ve been hoping some Comic Convention in Australia would invite me out at some point, but so far no luck.


Well, I don’t push Kickstarters usually unless they are from friends of mine, but I wanted to give this one a boost out of pure fanboy love of the 90’s beat’em up style video game.  I still have a dream that Axe Cop will be made into this kind of game.  River City Ransom is one of the greats, and this sequel looks amazing.

I think that it is also worth mentioning that there are some really awesome t-shirt designs up at MightyFine.  See you Thursday (unless you are a Bearmageddon reader, see you tomorrow!).

[EDIT, 9:28PM EDT: Fixed! No more Vince Vaughn (money!), now it’s Marx Brothers (monkeys). -Doug]