Back From Norway

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I am posting this episode a week in advance, so I am writing this blog to people a week in the future.  If all goes as planned, right now, much like Axe Cop and Dinosuar Soldier in today's episode I have returned home, and much like the cyborgs I am knocked out.  Of course… maybe I died, and if I did it is going to be really creepy when this thing autoposts.  Trust me, if I died, I am still dead, and if you comment I probably won't reply.  But if I am alive, then once I wake up from my stupor I probably will reply if you ask a direct question.  Of course you are more likely to get a reply over at Bearmageddon because I like the comment feature so much more over there.


The Secret Lake

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This is one of my favorite pages in a while.  I loved the imaginary science here and the kid logic that lake animals and ocean animals are not different, it is just the water that makes them different.  I also love that Uni-Man fishes for Sharks and Alligators by wishing for them to jump in his boat and die, and he seems to consider himself a real sportsman.

Well, as this posts I am in Norway recovering from a long flight and big time difference.  Don't miss a cool new Bearmageddon page tomorrow!



Super Secret Secret Attacks!

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I have always loved the secret attack, ever since Axe Cop first poisoned those monkeys back in Ask Axe Cop #6.  I know some may say that he found a secret secret attack back in Ask Axe Cop episode 21, but I would argue that he discovered secret attacks period at that point.  Either way, this episode is creepy and grusome, but awesome.  I know that you will find it hard to believe but Malachai really does not like gore or horror movies or anything like what comes out in Axe Cop sometimes.  I think a lot of his ripping bad guys apart comes from playing games where that kind of thing is cute, like Kirby's Epic Yarn.  He just applies all the same morality to a world that is not made of yarn- but both are made of imagination.


Don't miss today's Bearmageddon page, it is one of my favorites and involves an elk being suplexed in a heartfelt homage to Final Fight.


Well I am off to Norway. If you are a Norwaynian (I know it's Norwegian, I just like Norwaynian) you should come check out what I've got.  This will be the first opportunity anyone will have to get a brand spanking new Bearmageddon poster off of me.  I'm not incredibly excited to be on 3 planes for almost 20 hours, but here's hoping it is all worth it for the adventure.

Viking Metal!

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I'm going to be in Norway for Raptus this coming weekend, and I fully expect to see this when I step off the plane:

I was talking about this trip with some friends and we came to the conclusion that, where Hawaii puts a lei on your neck when you arrive, Norway should put a viking helmet on your head and give you an electric guitar.


As for today's episode… oh yeah hey look Uni-Baby got a mention, that means the story might actually get on track.  This story is 16 pages long so that will give you an idea of where we are at.  Anyway, I need to get a bunch of work done so that I can still post comics and be on a trip to Norway at the same time.  If you will be at Raptus I hope you come say hello!  We plan on doing our first live Skype session with Malachai at this thing.



RecomMonday: reMIND

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Today for RecomMonday I bring you reMIND by Jason Brubaker:



Jason works at Dreaworks and you can see why.  The guy is an amazing artist and has an awesome imagination.  He gave me the collected edition of reMIND at Comic Con and it comes in a glorious hardbound book that looks sparkley and pretty on your book shelf.  It also looks sparkley and pretty when you open it because the art is so gorgeous. It's also a pretty interesting story about people's souls getting transferred into animals and stuff.  Lots of cool designs and really fun stylization reminiscent of Sam Keith, but unique all its own.



September 21st: Bad Guy Earth

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Hey y'all.  For some reason I have been telling everyone that the Bad Guy Earth collection comes out in October.  I have been dead wrong!  It comes out on September 21st!  For those of you who never got the single issues (those things sold like hot cakes!) or were waiting for the collection (as I usually do.  Yeah I am one of those people) you will not be disappointed.  This is my favorite work to date.  The coloring is beauriful, the cover is gorgeous, and I put a lot of work into the extras on this book.  Specifically nearly 30 pages about the making of Bad Guy Earth. You will get to see the toys we played with, the messes we made, the notes I took, the sketches, some sketches from Malachai… it is, in my opinion, the coolest “sketch book” section I have ever seen in a trade paperback.  There are also some beautiful full color pin ups in there.  You can preorder it at many places, though I recommend TFAW but you can also do Amazon if that's how you like to do your preordering. 

So basically Axe Cop went to Magic World to get a thousand dollars and tick off all the magicians.  If it helps make any sense of the tone of this story, Malachai wrote this right around when he wrote the Funny Episode, so he was much more in “prank” mode, then “fight evil” mode. 

Alright, we'll see you next week so you can see where this story goes.  Have a wonderful weekend.


Axe Class

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I know that this episode brings into question some of Axe Cop's other recollections of his past, but I think we should just go with it.  I'm just happy to revisit Axe Cop's controversial method of night fighting, which I have never seen another good guy put into practice.  Ask Axe Cop #2 (the first instance of Axe COp's night technique and cat suit wearing policy) remains one of my all time favorites.  I think there is something inherintley hilarious about knocking a man out who is already asleep.  He just had no chance to block or dodge. I believe there are some Chaplin routines where he knocks a sleeping man on the head with a mallet to make sure he does not wake up and catch him sneaking around.  Chaplin was the original Axe Cop.  In face I would really like to see a photoshop of Chaplin wearing the cat suit and aviators carrying an axe now that I have the mental picture.


I foresee a few people saying that it can't be true that Super Axe is the world's only Axe Super Hero because there is Axe Cop, and while Axe Cop does have a lot of super hero traits, Malachai would still classify him as a cop, not a super hero.


As is now the tradition, Bearmageddon has a new page up today as well, and I have posted a blog about the time a dog's soul passed over me in my sleep.  True story.


See you tomorrow with more Axe Cop messing with the magicians on Magic World. 


Tear the Roof Off This Mutha!

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So here is Axe Cop showing the Magicians some real magic.  I had a lot of fun drawing the crowd's reaction.  Malachai was really kind of going crazy when we were acting out this part of the story, I wish I had the video. 


That's today's episode.  I feel like I have something else I should report, but I am pretty whiped out at the moment, so I'll just leave it at that.  Oh yeah.. it sounds like Munchking Axe Cop was a hit at PAX!  I haven't even seen the finished game yet, but a group of luckies got to buy early copies of the game.  If you were one of them let me know how it went.



RecomMonday: Animals, Real and Imagined

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Hey look, it's Monday!  I picked this book up at the Design Studio Press table at Comic Con last month and it blows my mind every time I flip through it.  Artist (and super-human) Terryl Whitlatch weaves one amazing beast together after another.  She can draw them real, and make them up, and they look real.  She even draws the imaginary skeletal structures and musculature!  I call that insane, but it's delicious candy for the artist's soul if you need some inspiration.  I have this book on my shelf o' inspiration right by my work station ready to be cracked open any time I feel like I need a jolt of energy behind my pen.  Plus, it's a beautiful full color, hard cover book that is just sexy as heck.  I love amazing art and imagination and this book has both in spades.  You should buy it!



That's this week's recommendation.  Tomorrow, Axe Cop continues to rile up the magicians on Magic World.  See you then!



Real Magic

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Axe Cop is apprently much better at magic than magicians from Magic World.  Also, I feel like I need to find out if the Magicians are evil.  Why is Axe Cop being so mean to them?

I deliberately made the magician getting punched look like Harry Blackstone.  Also, I think Dinosaur Soldier looks smashing in that outfit.


Well I don't have much else to say except I want to remind you to check out the store and also the new tees we have over at PopFunk.  Below is one of my favorite new designs.


Have an Axetastic weekend!
