It’s been a wild ride with this book. It did great on Kickstarter, I shipped all those, then I began trying to get it up on Amazon. I’ve released this book totally independently and it is hasn’t been easy. I spent my own cash to go onto various podcasts and radio shows to promote the book and in the middle of that trip, Amazon took my book down. I still have not figured out why they did it. They cited a number of possible violations, none of which made any sense. I have been back and forth with their horrible seller services and have waited many days for any kind of response.
So, my book is available on my store for now. In fact, I still have around 30 Limited Edition signed/numbered hardcover/slipcases.
The Kindle version is still on Amazon. Check out some of the reviews, this book is a blast.
If you want a 20% discount check out Or, if you are on my email list, search your inbox for the most recent email.
I’m Kickstarting!
I’m not doing new Axe Cop right now (though if you want to see some Axe Cop episode commentaries they are available on Patreon.)
I have been working on this bear survival guide based on the bear news and survival tips I have created as a companion to Bearmageddon, my other web comic.

This will be on my Kickstarter page, launching April 18th and lasting 30 days. There won’t be Axe Cop stuff involved, however, if you would like there to be, send me a message and I’ll see what I can do.

And that is that! Thanks for following along on the adventures of Axe Cop versus the Songster. It was fun to revisit Axe Cop with Malachai a bit older and partnering with Parry Gripp was a privilege. We are going to come up with a cool package to sell this story and music as one item for those interested, I’ll post it on the blog here when it comes out. Thanks again to Parry for all his tunes. This was a lot of fun.
I won’t be posting new Axe Cop material for a while. Come see me over at and keep tabs on me on Patreon, Twitter and Facebook to find out when other projects are being released.
One page left, and one song left.
Parry and I are thinking of putting together a special highly limited edition cassette tape and full printed comic. If you would be interested in something like that, let us know.
Next week, the story shall end. I don’t have plans for more Axe Cop content at the moment. Thanks for following along with this story, it’s been a fun little experiment and working with Parry has been a treat.
Featuring my faithful Patreon contributor Jeff Kranz as the smarmy ASAN rep. He appreciated it.
Want to beta test the Axe Cop RPG game in development? Two levels now up on Patreon.

I’m back! As I write this, my new son, Calvin, is screaming his brains out in the other room. He’s actually a pretty calm baby most of the time. He must know I’m trying to get back to work. Thanks for your patience while I took the month of August off.
Enjoy this gem from Parry Gripp. There is one small song left after this, but this is the last big one in the story, so savor it!
When Malachai decided there was a giant ball of disease hidden inside the sun, I decided the best representation of that would be a little homage to Mad Balls, one of my favorite toys in the 80’s. I remember all the gross out 80’s toys with fondness. Garbage Pail Kids, My Pet Monster, Mad Balls… what else? I would like to start a definitive list in the comments. Oh yeah, GAK!
I’m excited about next week’s song and page. I’ve read some of Parry’s lyrics and they are hilarious. See you then!
Well, the Songster has 5 more pages and two more songs. After that, I don’t have plans for more Axe Cop material.
I hate to just leave the character sitting around to collect dust. I would like to explore ideas outside of comics, especially a crowd-funded video game. In a couple weeks I will have a new son, so I’ll be taking a small break from work for a month or so anyway. Then I’ll decide what to do next. I would love your ideas.
Remember when Axe Cop got trapped in a video game called Birds of Prey? If you beat that game, you know how he escaped and why he is on fire. It all fits into the story.
If you haven’t played it, or would like to try to beat it again, here is the link:
Axe Cop Never Says Uncle!
If you are impatient, here are some hints:
-Never say uncle
-Use right, left and spacebar to eventually turn and bite the birds.
-You must bite four
-You must hit spacebar one more time after they fly off, at just the right moment.
The victory song is so awesome, I want everyone to experience it. Beating the game only takes a few minutes if you know what you are doing.

The sick bug got me, so as soon as I post this I’m laying back down. Thanks for reading, and thanks to Parry for getting this song done. I think it’s my favorite one so far.
You can listen to the complete version of the song here.